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Negative Customer Reviews

Black List of Clients

The customer is always right! You must have heard this phrase more than once, haven't you? However, even if the client pays money, it does not give them the right to superiority over you. Right or wrong, only the court can decide. It's no secret that there are many inadequate clients who can negatively impact the lives of entrepreneurs.

The Black List is a compilation of unwanted clients based on reviews from numerous entrepreneurs and businessmen. This site contains information about bitter experiences involving businesses and clients, where the latter caused financial losses to the former.

With the help of this site, it is possible to prevent some clients from acting with impunity. By sharing information about your inadequate or suspicious clients, you can help other entrepreneurs avoid conflict situations.

In this digital age, we understand that almost everyone maintains their own blacklist of "favorite" customers:

Share this information here, and the world will become a fairer place!


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The Path to Protecting Online Stores
23 September 2023, 01:04 208